Miño Trans-boundary Mobility Plan. 2019
Rio Miño, frontera entre Galicia y España
The space where this project is being conducted forms part of a much bigger location. It is the Euro-region composed by Galicia and North of Portugal. This space is configured as a territory with a strong social, economic and cultural interrelation. The region occupies a surface of 51000 km² and concentrates 6,4 million inhabitants, which gives us a density of 125,8 inhabitants per km². On the other hand, it is important to highlight that the average daily traffic, represents 49% of all the exchanges between Spain and Portugal.
The main objective of the Smart Minho Program, is to improve the institutional cooperation efficiency in the trans-boundary area of the Miño River through strategic planning for the common area. This starts from the experiences of local cooperation to put into action, pilot experiences related to management of equipment, cultural activities and transport which will improve the mobility between boundaries.